
  1. TheMongol

    Outdoor A Journey to Myself or How to become better man again

    click---> <----listen What´s up AFN growers, new season started and i´m late on this one, but hey today i got myself started. Why this thread title " A journey to myself "? Maybe later in this i will explain it, but first what do grow outdoors this summer. I needed earlier finishing girls...
  2. TheMongol

    Photoperiod 11 Roses outdoors/indoors

    What's up AFN, i was looking for some time at Delicious Seeds and found this and that about their strains and was wondering about their THC scales and such, but 1 month ago i decided to give the 11 Roses a try and will grow her first outdoors and after this summer indoors, outdoors she should...
  3. TheMongol

    Seed Stockers Sticky Monkey GG#4 outdoors/indoors

    The rosin concentrate monster, as the Frizzy Kush first outdoors then indoors, i will have a single eye on this strain and if she will produce rosin as recommened with the help of a friend i'll do THC liquid for E-cigarettes at the end, but in my heart the interesting part starts indoors as...
  4. TheMongol

    Seed Stockers Frizzy Kush outdoors/indoors

    What's up Seedstockers, i'll grow the Frizzy Kush first outdoors this summer and starting in september growing her indoors, dropped one seed and as always super healthy germination, all plants are grown in the Supersoil " Flo " Florganics, for Seedstockers strains it is worth for me to start...