stunnted auto`s

  1. E


    Hello everyone, this is my first post on this website and i would really aprecciate your help. This Royal Dwarf auto from RQS is just starting its 5th week, im confident it is stunted, probably because of the 32 celcius on her first week of life. Now the minisplit is programmed to keep the temps...
  2. K

    Indoor 1st Auto grow and its crazy.Short stuff seeds,stunted a few

    I got the wring size tent but using it, around 4ft x 6ft its big , I got a 400 watt hps but I start with a 45 watt led then bought another 15 watt led as I was hoping it would help,there the chinese copy shit so I bought a 300 watt viper true watt 135 or 185 watt, then I see some difference...