
  1. Lilly_of_the_Zoo

    Photography Some Ayahuasca Purple Bud porn- Trichy-est EVER

    I was editing photos last night, and i came across these two, that are from the FIRST AYP that I took down (this is the one in the photos I submitted to Mars Hydro for the light contest) She was so pretty, but i didnt realize just how COVERED she was, until i came across this unedited photo (s)...
  2. Cannakisses

    Hows she looking

    This is my blueberry auto, she sprouted may24/5th. Shes a shorty as shes had alot of lst. Everytime I go to see her I'm more and more excited!! But in the 2 days I last seen her she packed on some bulk, so will she continue to bulk out? How does she look?
  3. Johnnybudseed

    Old Reviews Is anyone familiar with FloraNova Bloom?

    Hey guys, I just purchased FloraNova Bloom and was wondering if i should switch from FF. Your guys opinions would be great and also feeding schedules and PH would be lovely. Thanks guys!
  4. Johnnybudseed

    New Grower Please help me.. I beg you! Strain Help

    Hello i am very very new to this as this is my first post ever. I am in need of some good strain advice as i have been trying to grow my dream crop and have been running into alot of issues. I am a legal patient where i live and can grow 6 mature plants legally [which i am trying to do] My first...