
  1. E

    New Grower Which nutrient starter pack?

    Which nutrient starter pack? Dear AFN bud-dies! :bighug: A while ago I did an info thread for a range of <Nutrients / Fertilizer Starter Packs / Kits Info and Links (2016-09-24)>, partly to work through all things myself and partly to save other AFN people the trouble of searching it all...
  2. E

    Old Reviews Nutrients / Fertilizer Starter Packs / Kits Info and Links (2016-09-24)

    NUTRIENT / FERTILIZIER STARTER PACKS / KITS INFORMATION AND LINKS Compiled September 24, 2016, by @Maria Sanchez Dear AFN friends! As I've been getting back into the grow mode in the last couple of months after almost 20 yrs out of this scene, it's been wonderful to see the latest technology...