
  1. Mephisto's Sour Orange Diesel Crack by Lilly_of_the_Zoo

    Completed Mephisto's Sour Orange Diesel Crack by Lilly_of_the_Zoo

    This is a strain i have held onto for a long time. I wasn't sure the seed woould pop, but i managed to get it out of its shell with a little soaking and some surgery. She's going a lot better now, so lets put her in the blog and see how she does, shall we? here's a few closeups of the one I grew...
  2. Deadlyeight

    Mephisto Genetics A SourHound and Miss SourBubbly Cush

    Hey All, new guy around here :smoking: Thanks to Mephisto for making such great autos! Can't wait to get these two ladies curing. Figured I should start the log now :biggrin::coffee: This will be my first auto run and first run in a while. Hope I can get some advice from the OG's here with...
  3. Frankidelics

    Mephisto Genetics Frankidelics presents to you the Sour Hound!

    Hey everyone! After a week of stress and struggle caused by the police who confiscated everything I had, I AM BACK! The story behind this little seed is worth mentioning: She was in a glass of water in a cupboard for germination when the police raided the flat, and guess what?! After opening...