
  1. SpaceToteToker

    Heat Nute problem, Autofems in SoHum Autopots (15L + 20L)

    The bottom of my leaves started goin yellow plant feeding on itself, i thought) n thought id put some Dr Forest Bloom2 dry amendment in (had to order if first) while waiting arrival, noticed that was yellowing from the tops down after id amended with OGL's "Reaper" pk boost. Just getting more n...
  2. CrystalMagic

    Grow Mediums Perlite on top of living soil?

    I am about to do my third run with autopots and sohum living soil. The top few inches have always been dry. Has anyone used perlite on top to help that? or something better? Thanks.
  3. 80 Days

    80 Days

    Ok, 83 days. I have been kinda busy, but I was able to chop and jar my 2nd grow. This is where we left off. I have 2x4 I was able to use to dry in since all the plants were not all ready at the same time. Fast and Easy (SoHum) 33.5 gm - 12.25 gm of trim All the buds have the same gassy...
  4. 60 Days

    60 Days

    Sixty days going strong. Watering every couple days ish. The bigger plants drink a bit more than the smaller girls but not much. They just got watered on Friday, pics were taken Saturday. Recently added an AC Infinity 6in fan and filter, much needed, the girls was odorific. The smell reminds me...
  5. 45 Days

    45 Days

    Day 45 and still alive. Love how the girls are looking, just after I took this, I added some Dr Earth Bloom and Bud tea and molasses. Went like real light on the Dr earth, Im hoping. Fast and Easy (SoHum) This girl grew and flowered so fast I didn't know what hit me. I can see it's going to...
  6. 30 Days

    30 Days

    Pretty happy with the progress, this being my second grow. Lights are at 100% @ 14in from the top of the tallest plant. Still trying to get a true watering schedule, The SoHum (Marked with green) pots take water differently, they have a good amount of Coco in them. The Great Lakes soil (Marked...
  7. 14 Days

    14 Days

    Things are going well in week 2. All four are looking healthy and happy.
  8. 7 Days

    7 Days

    About 7 days in, I had a seed not germ of another strain, I was able to get another Auto Pounder down a few days later. She's almost as big as one of them that popped up a week ago. Here are the other plants.
  9. cosmicinfinities

    Live Stoner Chat COSMIC is back with a 3rd CBD Grow.

    Why hello all you AFN fans, I hope you are all well. I am back with a 3rd Grow (Long overdue) Again I have gone with CBD Rich strains from Royal Queen Seeds in the form of Stress Killer and Fast Eddy (Or as I call them... Killerey and Edwinna haha. Looking for some help with first time LST and...
  10. Royalrick

    Indoor Black Diesel & Livers N Cheese

    Ok so this will be my second grow journal. I got a little more knowledge and some better soil so lets see what happens. Tent: 2x2x4 This tent will be in a room with its own A/C unit Temp will range from 70-77 inside tent with R/H between 40-50% Seeds: Black Diesel and Livers N cheese. Soil...