
  1. F.N.


    I'm growing Five of these babies. They are the newest strain from Seedstockers. Purple punch I love the name.
  2. Chris Stroupe

    Grow Mediums The Guest Who's Back DWC Grow (Sweet Seeds)

    Hi everyone! I have been on a year hiatus dealing with a bunch of life changes but I'm back now ready to get growing again. Starting off small with: 1 Cream Mandarin (sweet seeds) 1 Dark Devil (sweet seeds) DWC 3 gallon buckets 1 280 watt LED 1 600 watt COB Super excited to be back and to...
  3. H

    Memphisto Forgotten Cookies Seedlings

    I have 2 seedlings that sprouted on May 31. One has leaves that are more yellow and kind of pointing up, her sister has more of a rounded and greener happier looking. They are under Autocob 3500 30 inches from the light 58% humidity temps are 72-76 Farenheit. Might be hard to see solo cup happy...
  4. Chronic_passion

    Indoor Distance grow 2.0: A Mephisto AutoPot saga

    I may be a fair way into things right now but I thought I'd share from here on in... I was going to continue from my first thread but thought it better to separate the two for my own personal records. I learnt a lot from my first grow. Mainly that environment really is everything. Even though I...
  5. F.N.

    Seed Stockers GG4 photoperiod grow

    Hello my fellow weed enthusiast's I have the soft secrets Hybrid of Europe award. I have six going.They are looking really nice so far IAM trying to get there stretch on.
  6. F.N.

    Indoor F.N. does Photoperiod strains

    I have three seedstockers sticky fingers photos and a magic trick photo going in my new tent.
  7. MrWeebs

    Indoor Weebs first grow

    Hey everybody, so I started my first grow yesterday got the beans germinating now. I'm working with a 1500w led in a 4x3x6ft tent I have two smart pots and one air pot. I accidently didn't order enough soil for how many I have started. So if they all germinate I'll prob be putting two in atleast...
  8. F.N.


    I just received my Megacrop In the mail I was glad to see it and from some of the grows on here using it. IAM blown away to try it.
  9. Shinramen

    New Grower Very First Northern Lights Auto Grow

    whats good ya'lls. This is my first time growing autos. I'm growing some Northern Lights autos by Grower Choice seeds under a 600w hps grow light. I recently moved from a house to an apartment and have a 3x3 tent inside my room now.... I'm waiting to get an online fan with a carbon filter but...
  10. Shinramen


    whats good ya'lls. This is my first time growing autos so I'm a noob hehe. I'm growing some Northern Lights autos by Grower Choice seeds under a 600w hps grow light. I recently moved from a house to an apartment and have a 3x3 tent inside my room now.... I'm waiting to get an online fan with a...
  11. F.N.

    Seed Stockers BCN XXL grow

    Here is two seedlings ready to get HUGE. I will be feeding green planet nutrients and nothing else.
  12. mommykush

    New Grower Dinafem Fruit Grow Journal

    :growing:Alright. It has taken me some time to get this journal going. But here we go! June 6th, @GRODOR and I setup our grow spot. After that I popped my @Dinafem-Mark Fruit bean into some soil and waited. Not so patiently.. She finally busted through June 12th and she has been striving for 2...
  13. Rhubarb Pi

    Indoor Rhubarb's Pi #1 - AutoCOB x Mephisto Skywalker & Heisenberg Special

    AFN CREW CREW :biggrin: AND SO IT BEGINS!!: ******************* Rhubarb's Pi - Grow #1 Intention (for this grow & all of my future grows): To produce the best possible medicine for my father, who is in Stage 4 of bladder cancer. Genetics this Cycle: @mephisto - Mephisto Skywalker &...
  14. Clack-Kent

    Live Stoners Whats good AFN

    Just what to say what up to all:pass: , Im not new, just a new name i've been around a long time this is a great place and il always call it home thanks for having me...again lol im headed over to the photo section im running photo this round but love my auto's:thumbsup:
  15. Frank Rizzo

    Indoor First Grow - starting late

    I stumbled upon AFN on accident and I couldn't be happier. Great little web community. So helpful. Anyways I ordered some seeds last month knowing nothing about anything. I don't know the breeder, quality of genetics, I didn't even know I had ordered autos until they arrived! None the less...