
  1. Dinendal

    New Grower I think my autos arent growing as they should

    Hi guys, So here is my trouble - I have germinated and planted in 9Liter pots (2.4gall) auto northern lights and auto blueberry Tuesday (01.05). Now for paramount reasons i keep them in the pots in a room with good temp at night and get them out on a terrace where they get that nice, free...
  2. Johnnybudseed

    Old Reviews Whats the best pots out there?

    And size. Looking to buy some. All responses are appreciated. Thanks guys!
  3. Johnnybudseed

    Indoor Perfect Pot Size - And what the outcome.

    Hello, I have been wondering really, what is the perfect pot size? will my plants be the right small size if i use a small 1 or 2 gallon pot? Please let me know if you have grown in pot sizes 1 Gal - 5 Gal and the ups and downs. Thanks guys and i hope this is an intriguing thread to elaborate on.