
  1. N

    Indoor NA’s grow journal

    Hey everyone. This will be my first post on AFN but I’m no stranger to autos or growing in general, I’m just looking to interact with some more like-minded people! Living soil is the route I chose and I’ve been having great success with it but there’s always room learning and improvement. I run...
  2. 115 Lemon Haze & Blue Dream SIP

    115 Lemon Haze & Blue Dream SIP

    Next main grow is going to be Ulta Lemon Haze by and Blue Dream by @HSO-Mark HSO, under MarsHydro SP 150's. @MarshydroTina One each will be in a small and big DIY SIP conrainer. 2 Days ago I recharged the Coast of Maine soil with a top dress of 50/50 Coast of Maine Lobster...
  3. Can a Coco Nut Find Love in a Walmart Tote (SIP)

    Can a Coco Nut Find Love in a Walmart Tote (SIP)

    I've been getting interested in the whole live organic thing for awhile but wasn't really seeing it as practical in my space. Then someone mentioned Earth Boxes. Checked out their site and thought "Hmmmm". The main issue was the sizes didn't fit for my space. Soooo, I started checking out...