
  1. budelee

    New Grower HST Topping,Scrog,Mainline,Fimming,Circular Training,Supercropping,By Budelee

    Cool, Welcome along for this ride too @ChillFred ,I'm thinking I'm gonna fim one of these plants as well,I have 5 total ,three healthy ones and two smaller ones.I guess it won't really hurt( in the long run).the main thing is the results not the yield( ouch that hurts to say) .That way we will...
  2. budelee

    Grow Mediums Dutch Passion third times a charm !!

    Hello Brothers and Sisters !!! I am currently growing 2 Auto Ultimates in Coco and this will be my third grow(watch out battle thread,ill be ready in late February),still new and still learning so tips and advice are welcome.....The plants are in 2 gallon smart pots with a 60/40 coco/pearlite...