sexing plants

  1. parsing_trees

    Advice for reg (non-feminized) autos?

    Do you all have any general advice for growing regular (non-feminized) autoflowers? I've had several successful grows with feminized seeds (and an unsuccessful attempt with colloidal silver), but will be growing some regs for the first time soon, from Mandalorian and Night Owl. Normally if I...
  2. Newtoautogrow

    Live Stoners Male or female

    Sup guys I think one of my plants might be male... Not sure
  3. Tracer Productions

    Excluding Hermies, Do Environmental Conditions Affect A Plant's Sex?

    I came across this idea today on some forums & people were talking about it as if it were the gospel. Pretty sure they were talking about photoperiod plants though. I'm a new grower & had heard about how hermie bananas can form due to heat/light stress, but the idea that things like heat...