seedling air pots

  1. Newtoautogrow

    Nutrients Velokelp for auto seedlings??

    I'm staring a new grow soon with autos in 22lr air pots and I want to maximise the size of the question is how soon can I give them velokelp to help root development.. Can I give velokelp on the first watering?... If so How much? Help is much appreciated ✌️✌️
  2. Newtoautogrow

    Do my seedlings look okay??!?!?

    Sup guys my seedlings are about 5 days old... (from first true leaves) and they don't look right... 20-4 lighting 600w hps 25°---45-65%...20lr air pots.. And just been using pH water at 6.5.. Also using light mix soil (orange bud auto)
  3. Newtoautogrow

    Can you over do the germination???

    Sup people.. So I germinated my seeds in a papertowl and whne I checked them this moring they sprouted and have the first set of leafs but they wer yellowing (the leafs)... The rest is white... Ive since planted them and just left the leafs see the light.... Should they be okay... Did I over do...
  4. Pencom

    New Grower Making Your Own Seedling Air Pots

    Making Your Own Air Pot Like Seedling Cups I have always thought that if Air Pots and Smart Pots are excellent for growing auto flowers (and they are) wouldn't they also be good for growing the seedlings? For me, the seedling stage is the most precarious. If I'm going to lose a plant (and I...