
  1. jrok (JaysBuds)

    Yellow leaf spot/Leaf Septoria or Rust of some sort moving into buds

    Medium/grow method: Soiless (RootFARM coco/peat/mix), 5Gal fabric pot, hand watering Feed: Advanced Nutes PH Perfect Grow/Bloom/Micro now at 3/4 strength (about 750ppm) weekly in 1gal water. + PH'd tap water +CalMag every 2nd-3rd day. Supplements used: AN SensiCal Mag Xtra every feed (now at...
  2. PickleRick

    Grow Mediums PickleRicks first DWC - LED

    I'm Pickle Rick! :) So let's get the tech talk out of the way shall we. Grow room A 90x60cm closet dressed in mylar. Temps started out a bit high in the room, but summer is slowing down. As of now it's quite stable between 25C-27C (77F-80.6F) during the day and 22C-24C (71.6F-75.2F) during...