royal creamatic

  1. MedGrower

    Indoor Royal Creamatic - Test Grow by MedGrower

    I got provided with some test seeds from @RoyalQueenSeeds thank you guys! :thumbsup: My intention is to test this strain out simply growing it with my regular DWC setup in my grow cabinet sized 60cm x 100cm = 0,6m2 with GrowNorthern HS1 -light (perhaps 2 at the generative cycle) and Remo...
  2. C

    New Grower Balcony Autoflowering Seeds, some advice please :)

    So Hello there, im about to have my first grow: - Easy Bud - Royal AK Automatic - Royal Creamatic - Royal Cheese Automatic i got them from RoyalQueenSeeds and i was thinking to put them in a Plant Container, some Soil and after the germination i'd put them into the final Plant Container which...