rdwc oxygenation

  1. PoppyLon56


    Hell all I am new. I am wanting to DIY a RDWC system and I am just dumb i guess. I am looking for directions to build an 8 bucket system with REZ. I am starting with 4 bucket system and add on in time 4 more buckets. I have looked at GoAuto6 system posted on here under RDWC post and I like it...
  2. H

    Grow Mediums Oxygen RDWC – How import is 100% DO Saturation is the Res water?

    If dissolved O2 is really a big deal, then exactly how much O2 is required to insure optimal oxygenation for the plant, the root balls and the microbial colonies? What is the optimal safe DO saturation that must be maintained in the res solution through the months of growing? The commercial...