
  1. youlumi

    Best LED Grow Lights Offered By Youlumi

    At YOULUMI, we offer LED grow lights designed to handle your desired needs. Also, and because, LED grow light comes in different sizes to suit your garden or indoor space. Should you require any of the LED mentioned above Grow Lights, we’d take your farming experience to the next level...
  2. T

    Best manual feeder for runs?

    Trying to find an adequate feeder in case my 1G pesticide sprayer can't feed properly. I still have to see if I can take off it's nozzle. In case it won't let me, I'll get a feeding tool. Any suggestions guys?
  3. D

    Need Suggestions regarding garden plants

    would like to suggest that plants grown from seeds also have a small chance to produce seeds as well.
  4. D

    Need tips for starting a home garden?

    Just a Random Off Topic Question here; I am planning to spend the earth day this year with my family. I would like to let my children know that what are the steps that we have to take in order to save the planet and save our future generations as well. For this, I and my children are going to...
  5. OttoMich

    First Grow 2 sick plants. Boody Skunk Sweet Cheese

    Ive got a Bloody skunk that has always been very light green from sprout. Growth hasnt been stunted but it is quite spindly. After they showed sex and began to flower i started to see rust spots appear. The bloody skunk is the middle center. Yesterday i noticed my sweet cheese to the right...