ph adjustment

  1. theBroGro

    Soil (T.A organic light mix), germination and other general questions I have

    Hey guys! I've been lurking and reading for quite some time and finally trying some autos out. :headbang: I was having few questions about my own set now. I have T.A Organic soil light mix Is this good for autoflowers as only medium? It is a mix and very light apparently, but I can't find...
  2. J

    Yellowing leaves

    My first grow of autoflowers and i had some issues along the way with heat and humidity as well as air circulation. Growing 16 plants. x10 gelato fb x4 pineapple express and x2 magnum autos. Growing in gold label special mix soil and watered the plants just plain water for 3 weeks and added a...
  3. Pistol95

    pH too high, any help?

    I'm growing a lambs breath autoflower in a 5 gallon smart pot and my medium is Sunshine Mix #4 with organic dry nutes pre mixed into the medium. After it started to flower I top dressed it with power bloom and a week or so after that I top coated it with worm castings. I finally got my digital...
  4. Animatey

    Grow Mediums pH pen calibration: How many points do you use?

    I've been doing 2 point calibration for a while. 7 and 4, but it's never quite accurate. When I calibrate at 7 then 4, I notice the very next time I measure 4.0 calibration solution that the meter tells me it's 4.1. The meter also takes a long time to get a consistent reading at 4. I'm...
  5. J

    Ph water going into soil??

    Hey all, Can soil growers please tell me if you ph your water or not? I've been using ph down haven't fed yet and my run off was ph from the tap is around 7.3 and when left for 24-48hours it goes up is that right? Biobizz light mix soil. 600hps light 1.2x1.2x2m tent. Growing 6 autos...