
  1. R

    Leaf damage getting worse : HD picture update please help!

    Hi everyone, I've posted before about this but the issue is progressing and I've brought proper pictures this time! Growing all auto's, the worst problems are on mephistos samsquanch and skwalker. Stats: Coco loco/ocean forest/pearlite 1:1:1 soil 20 gal pots+ vam endo and azomite Feed every 3...
  2. DeeDoubleYou

    Pest ID?

    Found one leaf that something has left evidence on. I cut it off and checked everything else, No other signs besides this one leaf. I changed my sticky traps out for fresh ones and I released about a dozen of my highly trained attack beetles, we shall see if it’s an isolated incident.
  3. B

    White specs near bud

    Hi all, Not sure if im posting in the right thread. Doing my first grow ever and im near harvest stage and today when i went to look at them there were these weird white specs near one of the buds (see picture). Anyone have any idea what it is and if its bad news? Thanks
  4. Hemposapien

    Tiny Black Spider?

    High, Most of my plants seem to have nute burn and that's all I thought it was. Until I just went in there again and I saw a tiny almost microscopic black spider. I hope it's not spider mites. I've looked at most of the leaves even under a microscope and I can't see any eggs or spiders or...
  5. The Farmacy Seeds Network

    Natural Plant Immunity Using Trace Minerals and Biology:

    This video is an example and kind of a teaser about how trace minerals and proper biology can help plants achieve their own immunity to insects and diseases.
  6. kunkgrow

    Dammit, Root Aphid Or Fungus Gnat ? Check Picture

    Hi fellows, caught a few of these on yellow sticky traps. First time so I don't know how to differentiate. Would you help me? Thanks!