perpetual harvest

  1. Rocking out!

    Rocking out!

    Ok today is day 48 from sprout. The girls are all trained out and set up for success. The pre flower stage is done and they are off and ready to amaze. I thought there may have beenan issue with this run, but after a few days of solid growth my girls are exploding with growth and not a bit of...
  2. Death The Cultivator

    Photoperiod 480CobsGPFDPerpEB2

    Last grow went less than satisfactory and then I smoked a landrace and decided I wanted a grow Pure sativa. Ordered 6x Malawi x Panama from Seedsman and got a bunch of freebies. I believe Led lighting has come far enough that I should invest in it so ordered 12 Bridgelux EB2's in 3000k @ 44"...
  3. perpet

    New Grower Perpetual Harvest with Autos - Indoor LED to Outdoor - 3x Simultaneous Grows

    First time grow here, well second and third time at this point. I've wanted to grow for the longest time and finally it's legal here - this is a medical grow in Northern California. I guess it's been legal in that case, I just never wanted to buy a whole load of equipment. And then I had the...
  4. Ripper

    Indoor Rippers perpetual grow featuring Amare

    Ok so I have been growing up to 8 plants at a time in a 4x4. I have been using 2 gallon pots and running at 24 hours. I had most plants finish with 10% amber at around 55 days. So I am starting a perpetual thread so I can just update one thread. Today I planted a Magic strains bubba trouble...
  5. swerve

    Indoor Swerve's perpetual grow multiple strains

    Hello thanks for stopping by look forward to providing a documented grow Journal right now we're doing some photo periods hopefully we can get some Dinafem autos n the tent. Currently right now we're running Canna nutrients as our base and some additives from House and Garden are normal basis...