
  1. Gonnagrowmore

    Nutrients Bud factor x

    Anyone know if bud factor x is basically overdrive ? Also. How the f do you use it in soil?
  2. J

    New Grower Advanced Nutrients "OVERDRIVE" Question?!?!

    So I just picked up a small 250ml bottle of this OVERDRIVE and have a question. Why does the bottle state to only use during the last two weeks of bloom? Is this true more so with photo period plants? What exactly does OVERDRIVE do? I feel like with Autoflowers I could start using this stuff...
  3. Dr. Babnik

    New Grower I hope it is not just snake oil

    hi Today I got Advanced Nutrients Big Bud, Sensi Calmag Xtra and Overdrive. Any experience with these products? Is it working? Or is it snake oil? I fed the White Widow half dose calmag and full dose Big Bud. Super Skunk got the full dose of both.