over fertilizing

  1. CanadianStorm

    Simple deficiencies/excesses map

    It think its pretty precise and it has a visual value to it instead of just written explanation. Came across a ton of posts where the title is … What is happening?!. Photographic memory friendly, the ambiance everyone’s looking for.
  2. Giant Flying Wombat

    Over watering/over feeding recovery help

    Hey guys, So at it again with more blunders! Have written down every watering and feed and looks like I have been over doing it. Ive tried to do the weight test and genuinely thought I had it down. Clearly not. Problem: Plant growth has slowed way down, purple stems are the new norm, couple...
  3. Discretepete2676

    Old Reviews PLEASE PLEASE remember to shake nutrient bottled thoroughly and often

    The reason I'm putting up this reminder is because discrete here learned the hard way.....I've been using AN products and having great results until the bottom 2/3 or so of the bottle....after weeks of tying to figure out what's going on with my garden I found two major issues, my PH pen is...