
  1. Olderfart

    Old Reviews Nifty free course on plant nutrition

    Not sure whether this is the best location, but here is the link to a nice basic course on plant nutrition. A bit long on text, short on photos, and not specific to cannabis, but authoritative, well written, and free: Getting a good grasp of these...
  2. The Farmacy Seeds Network

    Foliar Feeds For The Win!!!!

    I have started a new series on Foliar Feeds... I thought my AFN friends might appreciate it! Here is the playlist... so it's easy to follow along as I develop the series:
  3. VitaMan

    Nutrients Feeding for Flavor: Enhancing Terpenes

    OK. Molasses helps, Terpinator etc are good, and Organics and microbes gets the tastiest weed. There were some GH sweeteners that promised to give weed fruit flavors. I always thought "If I want blueberry, I will grow blueberry!" But since then, I have been wondering if there are natural...
  4. KenBacon

    Beginners questions before first grow

    Hi everyone, I have been transfixed as of late with growing my own cannabis, and after reading lots on the internet, I decided to create this tread with some questions I have before starting my very first grow. I will try to give as much info on what I plan to do,and hopefully some of the...
  5. Dr. Babnik

    New Grower My continuing scientific litteratur thread

    Free textbook Introduction to Plant Physiology 523 pages.Физиология растений/_На английском языке/Introduction to plant physiology (Hopkins W., Huner N., 2008).pdf