
  1. SiamBuds

    Nutrients Got some cheap powder nutes I want to use in coco, 30-20-10, 0-52-34 Will that do the trick?

    Got some cheap powder nutes I want to use in coco, 30-20-10, 0-52-34 Will that do the trick? I got them from local forum, someone said use them and it grows fine. Tho wonder how to cut it down? by 4? On box veg says 50-100g/20L flowering one 25-50/20L I got 10L bucket and 6 5gal pots So...
  2. WeedNoob

    Grow Mediums Best soil for Autoflower

    Hi everybody, i'm a newbie, and i'm trying to figure out what's the best soil for autos. First of all I have to say that I won't use any artificial light, they will be exposed to day light but in indoor envoirment. After some research it seems clear few important points about choosing the soil...
  3. Greek MJ God

    Outdoor Ultimate NPK values?

    Hello all, What are ultimate NPK values for a synthetic fertilizer? I can find a water salute fertilizer 30-10-10 for growing and a 5-15-40 for blooming. Will it work? Peace