
  1. Prehistoric _Nudist

    Nutrients Big buds Advanced Nutrients

    Bruce Banner week 6 flowering, I just picked up a bottle of big bud, is it too late to add now?
  2. Gr8fulgrasshopper

    Live Stoners High I can get. Seed I can pop?

    That's the question. :welcome: For over half my life I've been enjoying this wonderful plant in all her various forms and never once have I tried to pop a seed. As I now have a suitable space that's hopefully about to change. To complete a proper intro I'll conclude this by saying that I'm in my...
  3. Rowerg

    Live Stoners Hello from noobie from T-dot

    Hello, peeps! :toke: I'm new here! I live in Toronto at the moment. Hello from the 6! Check my second noobie grow report here: my-second-grow-indoor-soil-coco-doctors-choice Thanks to iampepe for his suggestion to post this intro here! :bighug: Nice to meet you here, guys! :smokeout:
  4. bichon+buzz

    Live Stoners Introducing myself :)

    Hi all. I've been lurking for a while, soaking up the wealth of information contained on the site and progressing with my 2nd indoor grow. I'm a mid 40s Irish guy and a life long smoker. I put in a cabinet grow room last September after growing some girls outdoor on our rooftop (not overlooked)...
  5. Kahdboahd Growah.

    Live Stoners Hey peepers and peepets.

    Hellooooooo everybody, Just wanted to say hi and get some traffic on my journal and such. Hope y'll smoking a patty.
  6. Kahdboahd Growah.

    New Grower First Time Growing Journal

    Hello everybody! First time growing and I'm just kinda winging it. Any advice would be helpfull. So far my plants are about 1 1/2" tall on the 6th day. I've been watering daily small amounts. My water is .000 ppm my tent runs about 84° 34% I'm not sure what my seeds are. I'll be posting...
  7. NugNoob

    Live Stoners Hello friends!

    I think my username says it all... I don't know if I have a green thumb, honestly I've just never tried! However, I've been non-stop reading about growing for the past 2 weeks since my wife gave me the green light (pun intended ) to grow a few of indoor plants in a tent...