
  1. Rwg111

    NEWS Tag along with me to The Autoflower Cup #roadtrip

    Here we are 3 nights from the start of my journey to Oregon with 8 strangers I've only spoken to online or via email. I will be leaving the13th from Flint, Michigan at 9am headed for The Autoflower Cup. I will be traveling with Blackhat Genetics and some of the other sponsors of the event...
  2. midIN

    Live Stoner Chat CO2 what works??

    So looking for some insight into what kinda co2 really works in a tent. ProCO2 buckets? Homemade Co2 makers? Is a high dollar Co2 machine only one? Bags of Exhale really worth it? Do the bags,tubs, and buckets really work for a a whole grow run? If so how much would one need to do a 2x4x5'...
  3. midIN

    New Grower San Tri Bajo auto fem

    I have a San Tri Bajo auto fem from Barney's farm that I have start it's currently starting to pop out of it's rapid rooter. Almost 1-1/2" tall from seed to now 3 days. I uses the Ronin germ method/paper towel. I used the wifi router as a heat pad. Which I will do for now on it's amazing...
  4. midIN

    New Grower first Royal Queen Quick One auto fem

    Here's a link to my journal. Thanks for checking it out if you. Will keep it updated as she shows me what she's been up to. Also I will be starting a journal entry for my San Tri Bajo. Right now actually.