need help

  1. Irishstoner

    Flush or not to flush

    Hey everyone my blue cheese is at the start of week 10 and I stil waiting on a loupe to come in the post I say it's goin to be a month so I tink that goin be to long to wait so I thinkin of giving it plain water from today on ..... Any advice need help fast
  2. Irishstoner

    Live Stoners First time grower chop or not to chop

    Hi I am a newbie to all this I am growing Barneys blue cheese in a 11 litre pot in biobizz all mix medium and had few problems so it's only 56 cm but nice buds on it it is at da end of week 8 and I am stil giving it all biobizz nutrients and stickin to biobizz feeding chart it's starting to...
  3. Irishstoner

    Barneys blue cheese auto

    I am new grower and new to al this ... I growing blue cheese from Barneys farm the plant is very small it's 55cm and very healthy plant nice buds on it ..... It's at 8 weeks but has loads of Thc and amber on it but what I want to knw is it done cause I only hav fair idea cause it's my first time...
  4. Basshead

    New Grower First timer with questions

    Im growing a critical purple auto flower I'm using 585 watts of led lights I got my watering schedule down I'm using.less.then the recommended amount of fox farms.big blooms blooms but I'm wondering why the bottom fan leaves on my plant have yellow brownish tips and there's one set.of.leaves...
  5. steelcap956

    New Grower Dark Devil Auto in Aerogarden with 600w LED. Need help!!!

    Day 7 after transfer from paper towel to MG grow pod. seed sprouted a small taproot. It grew straight up but seemed to be unable to shed shell which was very hard after 5 days. I did some research and found many growers removing shell and membrane with tweezers. I attempted this today and was...
  6. Lev8nu

    Grow Room First grow in many years ~ 26 days Tandgerine Dream (gc

    Went through a divorce and needed a good hobbie Have a 28”x28”x5’ tent with a beginner light set up that I will upgrade after this grow - works for now and lots of fans to try to keep my girls cool. Charcoal filter vented to the dryer vent. I live in an old mill loft so in mass so just don’t...
  7. Plantbased

    New Grower I need a plant doctor! (Revised with picture)

    Hello world and those who inhabit it. I have a situation: Organically grown Plants dying/on verge of death after going completely dry over night. They are my first grow experience survivors :baby: SETUP: *Lemon Bud plants (feminized/photoperiod) by Green label Seeds *grow tent *600w LED with...
  8. Plantbased

    New Grower I need a doctor!

    Hello world and those who inhabit it. These brave plants are the survivors of my first grow experience. I didn't know if I completely closed my tent and left the little windows open, (without intake or exhaust fans) that they would starve of CO2. When I checked the next morning they were dry as...
  9. Cat Lady Nursery

    New Grower First time grow and we get rusty leaves???

    Hey there. I'm Link. This is my first post. This is my first(ish) grow. My gf usually does this stoof, but she's been busy with work lately, so I'm taking the reigns on the diagnosis. Narcotic Kush AF Anyways... All three plants are identical as far as germ to pot process, strain, water...