myth busting

  1. DenzelFreegreen

    Indoor My Experimental Journal

    Over my years of cannabis growing I have tried almost any method imaginable...on photos. And now it is time to test them out on autos. I love running experimental grows and this thread will be a compilation of every method I've tried with the results I've witnessed
  2. Tyler_Durden88

    Topping & Cropping Autos

    I'm making this thread bc I'm sick of seeing all these myths on what not to do with autos such as topping and HST. I'm not saying it should always be used but certain strains really benefit from topping. It is true Autos have alot less room for error so depending on your skills and exsperience...
  3. pop22

    Time for Truth: Do manufactured Nutrients Kill Soil Life

    We've all heard this a million times, "chemical" nutrients ( a false label ) will kill the life in soil. So that begs the question: Why are Mycos, and other fungi and bacteria, ADDED to hydro grows! It can't grow in them nasty nutrients ( sarcasm ), so why put them in there if they are just...
  4. pop22

    Plants under Continuous Light: A Review

    There was some discussion recently on this topic. Here is the latest science based information:
  5. pop22

    Finally! A Science base Decarboxylation of Cannabis!

    LONG, LONG have I looked for this! NOW we can get closer to best decarb of our meds. And it boils down to this: 230F for 110 minutes! ( 110C for 110 minutes ) Now, we with most home methods, will still not get a perfect decarb, but this should bring us all cvloser to the best we can do! NOW...