@micron creek

  1. Jackson

    Indoor Sour Bubbly, Chemdog and Toof Decay- Day 42

    Howdy all- My ladies are at Day 42 from sprout and heading down the home stretch! As they are in roots organic mixed with GBD super soil in bottom half of pots, just been giving slight cal/mag and slight bloom nutes. The chemdog was given slight nitrogen as recommended by @Waira Enjoy the...
  2. Jackson

    Indoor New Grows- Day 40

    Howdy All- Got a few years of growing autos and wanted to share some photos. Soil - Roots Organic mixed with GBD super soil. Water - distilled Lights - solar flare 220 and Platinum P300 Grow tent - gorilla tent Here are the ladies in this order: Chemdog, sour bubbly which did not like...
  3. Jackson

    Live Stoner Chat New Grows - Day 32

    Big Howdy from Texas! Wanted to post up recent pics of girls in this order as well as Grow set up. In this order Chemdog, Toof Decay and a topped sour bubbly. All in roots organic soil mixed with mephisto GBD soil. Only been using distilled water and this past Tuesday one tablespoon of...
  4. Jackson

    Live Stoner Chat New Grow - Day 25

    Hello Folks Wanted to show off pics of the ladies as they are all in pre flower. No deficiency at all. May start giving cal/mag or molasses or both next watering. That depends on your feedback. Now it's time to go purchase carbon filter and figure out hell to hell to set it up! Left to right...
  5. mommykush

    New Grower Dinafem Fruit Grow Journal

    :growing:Alright. It has taken me some time to get this journal going. But here we go! June 6th, @GRODOR and I setup our grow spot. After that I popped my @Dinafem-Mark Fruit bean into some soil and waited. Not so patiently.. She finally busted through June 12th and she has been striving for 2...