#mephisto at afn

  1. 3Bog


    Dec 27th cut.
  2. My pack of meph, rocks!

    My pack of meph, rocks!

    My baby meph girls on day 45(Jan 14./ Born Dec 1rst). All these ladies have been trained since day 17/18. A few days after that I FiM'd them and have been heavily bending them back every 2 or 3 days. They are thick stems and bushy bush! Love it!
  3. D

    Mephisto Genetics New mephisto seeds?

    Never posted before in this site or any forum for that matter so I'm not really sure where I'm posting this is the right place but anyways. I'm wondering if anyone has any info regarding new strains coming to the canadian mephisto website, also can you order from the states to canada or no?
  4. Cardinal

    Mephisto Genetics Wawashell’s Relentless Mephisto Gene.

    Day 2 Company: Mephisto Strain: Mystery Seed Medium: Organic Potting Soil and Coco Coir Pot Size: 3 gal Smartpot folded/filled 1.5 gal Nutes: Remo Nutrients (waiting for House and Garden sample) Light: 600 watt LED Grown in 2x3 Floor Closet (shared with my current grow of 3 SS HBD Remo DWC)
  5. Rhubarb Pi

    Mephisto Genetics POLL: Rhubarb's 2nd Cycle

    GREETINGS 2nd cycle of Mephisto Autos is IMMINENT. I will be starting two right away, with another 2 varietals at the 30 day mark. SO AFN - Which @mephisto pair should I begin ASAP? Keep in Mind the following: @BigSm0 AutoCOBs, 3x3 tent, exhaust system, coco coir :)
  6. Rhubarb Pi

    Indoor Rhubarb's Pi #1 - AutoCOB x Mephisto Skywalker & Heisenberg Special

    AFN CREW CREW :biggrin: AND SO IT BEGINS!!: ******************* Rhubarb's Pi - Grow #1 Intention (for this grow & all of my future grows): To produce the best possible medicine for my father, who is in Stage 4 of bladder cancer. Genetics this Cycle: @mephisto - Mephisto Skywalker &...