mephisto alien toofless

  1. Fermented_Fruitz

    Mephisto Genetics Mark SIP grow Toofless alien and gold glue
    Threadmarks: Life’s begun

    Ok @Gladiators and all else who stop in, this Texan has doubled tent size so time to start running some testers and I couldn’t be happier getting the chance to run these for mephisto genetics! Wanna start by saying huge :thanks: to @stan_mephisto for giving me the opportunity here! These are...
  2. Rhubarb Pi

    Indoor Rhubarb's Pi #1 - AutoCOB x Mephisto Skywalker & Heisenberg Special

    AFN CREW CREW :biggrin: AND SO IT BEGINS!!: ******************* Rhubarb's Pi - Grow #1 Intention (for this grow & all of my future grows): To produce the best possible medicine for my father, who is in Stage 4 of bladder cancer. Genetics this Cycle: @mephisto - Mephisto Skywalker &...