maria sanchez

  1. Rhubarb Pi

    Indoor Rhubarb's Pi #1 - AutoCOB x Mephisto Skywalker & Heisenberg Special

    AFN CREW CREW :biggrin: AND SO IT BEGINS!!: ******************* Rhubarb's Pi - Grow #1 Intention (for this grow & all of my future grows): To produce the best possible medicine for my father, who is in Stage 4 of bladder cancer. Genetics this Cycle: @mephisto - Mephisto Skywalker &...
  2. E

    New Grower Upcoming Spring Outdoor Grow - Advice Wanted!

    Dear AFN amigos and amigas! Spring is coming soon, and Maria has been getting ready, planning for some fun! My basic plan is similar to my last grow, but learning from some mistakes. I'm starting this thread to get some advice and guidance from the experienced growers here on AFN. Some...