male plant

  1. breeding project chosen male

    breeding project chosen male

    I just HAD TO share a photo of this, because ive never had one look like him before. he was all purple, and stank when i crushed him. I soaked this little piece in water so i could take it out and photograph it. I wish i could have photo'd the whole plant, but you cant get a camera that clean.
  2. Newtoautogrow

    Live Stoner Chat Male or female

    Sup guys I think one of my plants might be male... Not sure
  3. Chopperguy58

    Indoor Death in the family RIP

    Cut down my male Pineapple Express. Here is some pics of the root zone. Also you can see the 4" rockwool cube he started in. He was about 66 days old. I forget exactly how old he was and I'm to lazy to go look it up.