light green

  1. H

    New Growth Light Green

    New grower here and at Day 60 of my grow. Brand new and only know what I have read so far the new growth seems to be too light in color is this normal?
  2. sheria

    Plant of a friend - deficiency?

    Hi :) This is a auto plant of my friend. He's growing Hydro. He had last grown weed 2 decades ago, photos. He sent me some pics and his leaves don't look that healthy to me. What do you think? Temperature: 24C, 75,2F RH: 60% Medium: hydroponic Npk 6,7 / 7,0 / 10,5 EC 2,2 Water: rain water, pH...
  3. Dummy Grower

    Troubleshooting Slow growth and color loss (Seedling stage is all I know)

    Hey peeps.. first thread here. My name says it all. Almost a quarter century of getting high and just decided to try to grow my own. So this is my second attempt. First 2 plants ended in the bin. (I put coffee in the soil and burnt em on top of over watering) Set up: (Indoors South Europe...