lemon juice

  1. Tracer Productions

    Indoor Real Lemon Juice as pH Down?

    My plant seems to be having pH issues after I stupidly applied humic acids with a pH of 9.0 without balancing it out first. The leaves are developing orange spots in some places, paleness in other places, tip burn on the tips & are generally unhealthy looking (though the buds are super...
  2. IceWater421

    Help AFN Lemon Juice Auto Cal Mag Def

    Hey guys looks like I have a cal mag issue. All start by saying using advanced ph perfect with pro mix ,smart pots , and for lighting is 330 watts of led . Also using r.o water . Noticed two days ago some blotch brown spots starting I up d my cal mag to 6ml a gallon and it's got even worse. Was...