led burn

  1. puffy

    Lighting Question about temperature and how high I can go in wattage

    Hi, Will in a few weeks time be starting my microgrow. Just takes a lot of time to get all the parts together with international shipping. Also I will have to travel first to get seeds, not even going to attempt the mail in Norway. Anyway, I have a question regarding heat development from LED...
  2. M

    New Grower Indoor to Outdoor? Possible or too risky?

    Hello everyone, I have a Royal Jack automatic grown in my space bucket. This strain was an extra free seed from RQS and the problem is that it is a bit too big for my spacebucket, as I'm usually working with short strains. The lady is currently 8 week old, started flowering around 3 weeks...
  3. knocker powell

    Vegging under 26w Secret Jardin LED Light

    hello all - i wonder if i could pick your brains. relatively new grower trying to start off some Think Different under a 26w Secret Jardin vegging light. All has been going well but now some of the leaves are yellowing and taking on a troubling appearance - being a newb am not sure whether they...