
  1. Son of Hobbes

    Nutrients Pesticides - WTF are you Spraying?

    I figured I needed a thread with a catchy title! I have a guide/tutorial I've been working on that talks about pesticide use in cannabis gardening, and I was just curious what you all are using for Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in your garden (or if that's too fancy phrased, "what are you...
  2. ExNavyInSTL

    Springtails Out the Ying Yang!

    One of my four buckets became way too infested for me to think of Springtails as a "beneficial." From what I understand a few are helpful. My first course of action was to give them 1:3 mix of H2O2/Nutrients and that did knock them back. However, yesterday I was draining the bottom of the SIP...