indoor tent

  1. Fermented_Fruitz

    New Grower Newbie grower Sweet Seeds Cream Caramel n Fastbuds Gelato

    Ok so my 1st journal has gotten to almost 80 pages so these little ones I am doing in new thread! Got 1 freebie cream caramel (thx OES @Johnny CannaSeed ) and 1 Fastbuds Gelato (since 1 cream caramel croaked on me :( ) but got them started in the closet and will move to tent under the LED soon...
  2. WeedSmokerEire

    Live Stoners HELLOOO AFN! I'm Back.....

    Not so much as an intro more of a homecoming lol, started posting here over a year ago with 4 RQS Northern Light Auto in a 4 pot Wilma set up. Unfortunately heat was a big issue in the reservoir so the quality wasn't the greatest. Anyway I thought I'd come back with a new set up and new...
  3. VitaMan

    Indoor Companion plants in a tent?

    Hi all There is room in my 2x2 tent for four 3gal pots. I am planning to grow 1 or 2 cannabis plants next time, and was thinking of medicinal things I could plant alongside (in their own pots, of course). They must like strong light, but be OK in the shade of the cannabis as it grows. Lavender...