
  1. M

    Seeding plants? I think. Suggestions

    As title says im pretty sure some of my plants are seeding, i think one of them has hermied though i only found one possible pollen sac on a lower branch clipped the whole branch to remove it. Any suggestions on what to do moving forward? Is it worth maturing the seeds if they are seeding?
  2. Shugrows

    Hermi help me please.

    I have or had cut them last night 3 plants in a 27x27x63 2 3 gal pots 1 5. Mars hydro fce3000 ac infinity exhaust fan and filter. I noticed as i was water last night i got seeds all three plants. One was a mehpisto 3 bears og was a mutant from the start slow start 3 branches off one side of the...
  3. Iamthejazz123

    Is This A Hermie?

    I've never had a plant herm before, are these balls? Thanks for the help!
  4. Newtoautogrow

    Naners!! PLEASE HELP!!

    Please help!!... So I had 5 autos just starting week 5.. Was going a check over on them and one of them had flowers, balls and naners... So I killed it.. sprayed the tent and plants with water. ... So that left me with 4... 24 hours later I checked the tent and one of my other autoflowers had 3...
  5. Newtoautogrow

    Indoor Hermies in general

    Sup guys so I had 5 mobydick xxl and 2 went hermie on me and now a possible third... They seem happy out with no signs of stress.. My question is are there auto strains that are more likely to not turn hermie on me.. Ive done a few grows from Dutch passion and had no probs with hermie
  6. R

    hermie seeds info

    hey again folks, last year i plucked few seeds than came out of lem haze bagseed, the smoke was fantastic, anyways iv them planted in the ground in my outdoor garden, out of 20 plants 4 stayed small and are few weeks into flowering already!! happy days, xtra bud !! the others are growing like...
  7. DooDahMan

    New Grower My poor NL x BB is not what it seems...Did she hermie???

    Hey all...I recently grew out 3 WoS NLxBB from Herbies seed bank. 2 of the grows went well...small but dank dense plants. The third was a completely different creature... The first two looked like indica...this was 3x taller and looks like a sativa...FULL OF SEEDS and 0 smell...I men nothing...
  8. Slater

    New Grower Late flowering hermie pics

    Though I would share these pics for reference of a plant in late flower that has gone hermie. Hopefully help any one out with the same problem. Some advice good advice I got from from here, you could leave it to pollinate its self and get some auto's seed or just murder the bastard. I had run...
  9. Chopperguy58

    Is it possible to stress a plant into a hermaphrodite

    Can you stress a regular photosensitive plant into a hermie? I've really put my plant through some hell and I'm thinking that this is possible? :thanks: