help. plant sos. plant health.

  1. Bradtd89

    Help! I am colorblind!!

    I am colorblind and the person who helps me identify colors/deficiencies is unable to help me at all. Can anyone throw an educated guess at me as to what is going on with my babies?
  2. SpaceToteToker

    Issit sick? No smell at all??

    *Essential knowledge of grow.* Strain = Purple lemonade. <420 fastbuds> Indoors a 2x2x4 mars hydro tent. *3 usb fans, (mainly all focused on plants) *12V (uk) 9" fan (focused on air movement) *A small humidifier and homemade Co2, (yeast n sugar). *Medium: Soil, Bio-Bizz Light Mix Soil...
  3. A

    I thought I knew something, but I did not! Any help appreciated please!

    Hello everyone. I have been lurking here for the few weeks soaking up any information I can. I am new to indoor growing, and am struggling to dial my tent in correctly. Was wondering if anyone could lend a hand or ear to hear out what I am doing, and maybe correct me where I am going wrong...
  4. M

    Help a Newbie

    There is slight cupping on the leafs of this 15 day old ww xtreme. There is none on the other 5 growing and they where all started at same time. Setup: 2 x 600 watt hid 75% power Two 2” t-5 3 small full spectrum leds Leaf tempature is 77-80 Tent tempature 77-84 RH 36% 2 16” oscillating fans...
  5. Bully

    Having some problems...

    So hello boys and girls. Recently started my first grow and i have met some problems, i guess. Here is my Anesthesia plant and it has some yellow spots on it. I hope someone can help me, explain what for she shows such marks and how i can help her.:thanks:
  6. A

    Indoor Do my plants look healthy. ?

    Hi im growing for The first time. I Got 2 Black Widow autos that for The first 4 days had close to no light and tempatures as Low as 4 degrees celcius. They should have anything thing they need now but they don't seem to grow much. Ima put in some pictures here: They got a 125w CFL lamp. (I'm...
  7. Autogrowzs

    Poorly baby nycd

    Here's my nycd has brown spots on leaves quite heavy on 2 leafs I have given a dose of calmag new growth seems healthy just wanna be on the safe side. Also a quick hello from me to all.
  8. Andrew Hutchison

    Pistils browning in pre flower?

    Hi guys this is my first grow and post, ive got a soil grow with a 300w cfl bulb fresh air supply, and the pistils towards the too of the plant are going brown,what could cause this? Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
  9. R

    Cal mag deficiency, and something else?? Help

    My plaants recently fell very ill after a major cal deficiency due to using RO and not using calmag (stupid, i know. Didnt know i had to add micronutrients to RO) i sprayed my plants with half dose calmagic by GH, AND started watering with gallons with added half dose calmag. My plants are all...
  10. St. Tom

    New Grower coco advice newbie

    well guys this is my 1st grow i sproated 4 seeds in rockwool i had them in my heated propergator the problem is none of them even after a week shown any roots at all it drove me mad so i basicly have 3 left that seem to be going nowhere fast i am thinking there a dead loss as i planted them in...
  11. ccsl

    Live Stoners Hey guys n gals, new guy here looking for a little help.

    I recently started my first auto grow, all seems to be going well. Only issue i'm having is one of my troops is looking tired and slightly discoloured, can anyone take a look and point me in the direction of the cause please? also, are they supposed to be so squat? the leaves on the underside...
  12. Daipot

    New Grower Help!

    hey guys. I got a bit of an issue. I've recently started a grow and I accidentally tore the taproot on one of my seeds. I dug down a little to see if it was growing because my other two had already started. I thought that I had maybe put the seed too deep into the soil. So, I dug down and moved...
  13. Daipot

    New Grower Tips for first grow

    hi guys and girls. I'll be starting my first grow later this and I'm both very excited to start doing this and also very nervous, as you could imagine. I have a few questions that id like answering by the community if anyone would be kind enough to help? So the best way for me too do this is...
  14. IceWater421

    Help AFN Lemon Juice Auto Cal Mag Def

    Hey guys looks like I have a cal mag issue. All start by saying using advanced ph perfect with pro mix ,smart pots , and for lighting is 330 watts of led . Also using r.o water . Noticed two days ago some blotch brown spots starting I up d my cal mag to 6ml a gallon and it's got even worse. Was...
  15. SeedCollekta


    (Cant seem to get pics. posted,any help with that too?? Ahaa) noobies eh... Six white widows at Day 12.. had em undr 125cfl in 2 rapid rooterz 2cut into 3, n used for the 6 seeds.. then into cubes.. using gh 3part nutes. Also meant to say that there under a 300w dual cfl just now...