
  1. Zamaldelica Express & Hubbabubbasmelloscope (Just learned about the pages feature lol)

    Zamaldelica Express & Hubbabubbasmelloscope (Just learned about the pages feature lol)

    So the autopots arrived and I finally whittled the three plants down to two. We're left with the ZE and the HBSS that is 13 days old. HBSS is looking really lovely. Shes a little on the yellow side, so im slowly increasing their feed. Right now im at 2.5G/Gal and im aiming to be at 3G/gal by the...
  2. Zamaldelica Express & Hubbabubbasmelloscope (Day 15)

    Zamaldelica Express & Hubbabubbasmelloscope (Day 15)

    Things are going..smoothly? I dont know. ZE is starting to look really funky in the leaves and is growing all kinds of fucked up. Does anyone know if its overwatering? all three plants have fairly light leaves, so i think i need to increase the amount of Megacrop im feeding. Right now im at 1.5G...
  3. IraqJack

    Grow Mediums Deathmatch: Mephisto 3 Bears OG vs Fastbuds West Coast OG... and friends ;)

    So it's been awhile since I've really posted anything. I've really just been digging into my craft, mastering the basics, increasing my equipment, my nutrients, and my knowledge since I began my journey around this time last year. I'm proud to say I've had 6 harvests over that time, this year I...