harvest gold silica

  1. FullDuplex

    Nutrients Harvest Gold and Bobby's Widow

    Howdy AFN I have the pleasure to test Harvest Gold Silica against a personal cross. The bag that was provided was enough to mix and fill two containers so that is what i did. Break Down is as follows Soil : ProMix HP Nutes : AN with a few additives. Contianers : 2 gal cloth pots Light ...
  2. Son of Hobbes

    Nutrients Harvest Gold Silica Q3 Communal Product Test Thread

    Hey everyone it sounds like the majority of the product testers have received their silica from @HarvestGoldSilica , so we've agreed to do a big communal product test thread for the testing and will share in the experience and results together! Appreciate everyone that is taking part in the...
  3. Only1Sky

    Nutrients Harvest Gold Silica trial test: Sweet Seeds Cream Caramel in a 2-Liter Soda Bottle

    Yipee. Shipment arrived yesterday. Today I prepped a 2-Liter soda bottle to receive the goods.
  4. Son of Hobbes

    Nutrients Harvest Gold Silica - Welcome & Contact Info

    Harvest Gold Silica Hey everyone we would like to announce and welcome the addition of Harvest Gold Silica into our performance test program! Harvest Gold Silica makes a dry silica sand product to help provide silica benefits to plants during growing! Information: Name of Company: Harvest...