
  1. IceWater421

    Lighting Cob Light Grow/Harvest Reports

    Hey AFN :d5: I'm looking for reviews and grow journals on cob lights . Especially ones that you have gotten from are on site cob master @BigSm0 im going to be placing an order with him for either 2-4 cobs for my 3x3 or might possibly purchase a 4x4 . If I only purchase two to start I will be...
  2. VitaMan

    Harvest & Curing How's it hangin' ?

    We've all used string to hang our bud. We've also all been creatively inspired when we have the munchies. String in a tiny 2x2 tent has the added pleasure of having to rehang things that fall when I reach in. A small but recurring irritant. A lust for Nachos led to my solution, which I will...