
  1. McDee

    Extraction Rosin Gummies

    Hey AFN, hope your all lifted nicely for this ride! If not take a sec, go do what it is you do because I took 8 of these at 7:15 and it now 8:32 and they are kickin' in lol. This is easy no worries. Here is what you need. 6oz jello I used cherry 1oz unflavored gelatin I use a 250 bloom from...
  2. McDee

    Extraction Coconut oil gummies

    So, I just popped these out few mins ago. The 1st set of gummies I made with oil from decarbed material from the lift decarboxylator. Bought mold special for coconut oil off Ebay need to get 1 more maybe 2, had to do last few with different mold lol. Got 37.5 but hearts are just a little bit...