
  1. C

    Lighting question.

    I just bought a 240 W kingbrite from alibaba. Do you guys reckon it will be optimal in a 3x3 tent?. I know it would have fit much better in a 2x4 but I sadly can't seem to be able to find a good quality 2 x 4 tent around where I live. This will be my first grow and I'm worried I could be...
  2. Black Sail

    Lighting LED BUYER WORKSHEET! LED HYPE ENDS HERE! Now EVERYONE can compare any LED fixture in 5 minutes flat!

    Good morning AFN, I have a present for you:smoking: The LED Buyer's Worksheet is a single-page, 5 question, fill-in-the-blank worksheet that gives you the power to make an informed decision when you buy an LED growlight. No prior knowledge required! Even a first-day LED newcomer can use this...
  3. KenBacon

    Lighting Question: LED growlight to start seedlings

    Hi all, I am, obviously, new to growing, and my preferred method is growing under the sun. I currently have a few plants in my garden, which are my first ever. As it is very important to get the seedlings enough light so they can grow strongly in the first 3 weeks, I like to purchase a small...
  4. pop22

    Indoor Northern Growlights NEW! Quantum Board Quick Build and Test

    I've been playing with a couple of COB layouts and love them! BUT I was intrigued by these new multiple chip, composite boards being designed by Horticultural Light Group, I believe the commercial lighting entity of Photon Labs/Northern Growlights. The light WITH the heatsink in thinner than...