grow northern

  1. Willtech

    Indoor Auto Ultimate and Think different

    Hi Guys, It’s been a very long time since I posted on here but thought I’d start a grow journal for 3 plants I’ve just started. I’ll be doing 2x Think Different by Dutch Passion and 1x Auto Ultimate by Dutch Passion. I did a few Think Different a couple of years ago and one of the plants yielded...
  2. Faction

    Mephisto Genetics Chemdogging, Sour Livers, Fantasmo Express in RDWC

    Hello AFN - I am very new here so please forgive the mistakes I will be making!! This is a journal of my second autoflower grow (quite a bit of photoperiod growing experience). I am growing in a 1.5m x 1.5m tent using a 9 pot RDWC system (urban deepwater culture) and 4 x Grow Northern Telos 008...
  3. Harry_Kovert

    New Grower Still a rookie

    Greetings all. On a quest for knowledge given the wisdom and experience that exists here!. A relative rookie from the UK I'm now onto my 3rd grow. Currently have Fast Buds Mexican Airlines and Blue Dream'matic at day 16 inside a 3 x 3 x 5.9 tent in 15l pots - the soil being a diluted Biobizz...
  4. Harry_Kovert

    Lighting LED Overkill?

    Good evening to all you fine peeps. I have a 90 x 90 x 175 tent and I curently have a GN HS1 shining on 4 day old seedlings. A HGL 100 V2 QB is arriving tomorrow and a GN Telos 0008 is arriving next week. I'm not planning on using all of the lights at this early stage but would it be...
  5. Harry_Kovert

    Lighting HS1 Diffuser

    Afternoon Peeps. A long shot I know but does anyone happen to have a spare GN HS1 diffuser that's no longer needed. Not fussed about what size - I foolishly lent my light to someone and the diffuser has obtained burn marks! Thanks, Harvey
  6. blue

    Sweet Seeds Crystal Candy with Biotabs & GN Telos

    Hey there! :welcome: Here begins my journey from seed to harvest of Sweet Seeds Crystal Candy ^_^. As most of us know, sweet seeds completely rock and have been a corner post at AFN for many years, providing us with lovely competitions and seed prizes for AFN monthly and yearly competitions...
  7. Cheeseman

    Lighting Newbie - telos info please

    hello. This is my first post here. Currently growing under HPS but was struggling with heat this summer so I’ve decided to upgrade the lights to LEDs. The GN telos 8s look to be doing some nice results. Can anyone tell me the footprint the 0008 has compared to a normal 600w hps parabolic? Also...
  8. MedGrower

    Lighting Telos 0008 testgrow with Auto Ultimate (DWC)

    Hello! :baked: I got to play with this light already a little and now it is time to give it a better shot. I chose to do the test with Dutch Passion's AutoUltimate for two reasons; one would be because I promised to provide this strain to my patient I grow for (it really works good for her...
  9. MedGrower

    Nutrients MedGrower does Remo Nutrients - Auto Ultimate DWC grow

    Alright. Now that I have some experience with Remo Nutrients and I find myself in a need to do a bumpercrop for the late summer, I desided to make this my official second round growing with Remo Nutrients in DWC. If you checked out my last attempt you realized that even though I got really good...
  10. MedGrower

    Lighting Test grow with DIY light (4x Citizen CLU048 with 200w meanwell driver / DP AutoEuforia)

    My setup is as follows: Grow space: DIY cabinet 60cm x 100cm x 200cm (DxWxH) = 0,60 m2 Reflective material on the walls is Orca growfilm Lights: Grow Northern HS1 for early vegetative period DIY COB light fixture (4x Citizen CLU048-1212 4000K CRI80 -COBs with 200w meanwell driver) Lightcycle...
  11. MedGrower

    Dutch Passion MedGrower does (finally!) AutoColorado Cookies! (DWC -grow with GN lights)

    Hello and welcome to my AutoColorado Cookies -adventure! I have been anxiously waiting to try some of these babies out ever since I got them (Thanks @DutchPassionTony). Now that my wifes medical setup is secured for many months ahead, I got a green light to go ahead with these! I put two seeds...
  12. Terra Firma

    Grow Mediums DP Colorado Cookies + Brooklyn Sunrise in Autopots + GN HS1 & Mars Reflector LEDs

    Hi everyone, I've been drooling over an Autopot system for a while now and finally gathered enough funds. I bought an Autopot system with four 15L pots, a 47L tank and Airdomes. I currently have one air pump (Hailea ACO-2204) with 2 outlets that has a max. total capacity of 4L/min. I read...
  13. MedGrower

    Lighting AutoNight Queen (HS1/DWC )

    Hey hey hey! :toke: Finally I am starting my grow with Dutch Passions new automatic, AutoNight Queen ( At the same time I am feeling brave and I will be putting @TaNg's Easy Feeding schedule at test...
  14. MedGrower

    Dutch Passion MedGrower does Blue AutoMazar (MS006/HS1/DWC)

    Hello all! I started a new grow with one remaining Blue AutoMazar -seed I still had. This one is a cabinet grow and otherwise similar to my previous Ultimate -grow other than I am growing only one plant on the same space. Today is Day 1. As I took the the picture it is almost the end of Day1...
  15. Terra Firma

    Dutch Passion Terra's DP Auto Daiquiri Lime grow under GN HS1's

    Hi fellow growers, I've started a new Dutch Passion AutoDaiquiri Lime grow. I put three seeds into some moist toilet paper to germinate on the 19th of December. My setup: Space: Mammoth Pro 1.2×1.2m tent Medium: Canna Terra Professional mixed with Plagron Coco Premium. Additives: Mycorrhizae...
  16. Grim Reefer

    Dutch Passion HS1 - Think Big - 55L DWC

    Hello and welcome, First off i would like to give a big shout out to Dutch Passion Tony for sending me these test seeds free of charge. Il be starting this seedling under one of Grow Northern's HS1 LED with three extra units to be added later. The seedling, after propagation will be transplanted...
  17. Terra Firma

    Lighting Terra's DP Blueberry + Think Different grow under GN HS1's

    Hi fellow growers, I've started a new Dutch Passion AutoBlueberry and Think Different grow. I put two seeds of each strain into some moist toilet paper to germinate on the 7th of November. My setup: Space: Mammoth Pro 1.2×1.2m tent Medium: Plagron Lightmix mixed with Plagron Coco Premium (2 x...
  18. Grim Reefer

    Mephisto Genetics (HS1) Hubbabubbasmelloscope 55 Litre DWC

    Hello and welcome, Im very excited to grow out this strain as this is the first time i have got my hands on Mephisto Genetics. Il be starting this seedling under one of Grow Northern's HS1 series LED with a second unit to be added later. The seedling when ready will be transplanted into the 55...
  19. Grim Reefer

    Lighting (HS1) Auto Euphoria 55 Litre DWC

    Hello and welcome, First off i would like to give a big shout out to Dutch Passion Tony for sending me these seeds free of charge. Il be starting this seedling under one of Grow Northern's HS1 series LED with a second unit to be added later. The seedling when ready will be transplanted into the...