
  1. Groku

    New Grower Forgotten cookies, auto cobs and AN

    Hey everyone. I'm kind of new here. Anyways been lurking for quite some time and I really should have started this sooner. Here's a quick run down of what I'm using. Soil: sunshine mix #4 Nutes: AN on tangs easy schedule with the addition of recharge, voodoo, big bud(was free from the hydro...
  2. Groku

    Live Stoner Chat Hello AFN.

    Hey there everyone. You can call me groku(like Goku). I've been lurking for a while now. But now it's time to step out of the shadows :toke: so I'm not sure what to say about myself really. I live in the great white North. I have loved and used cannabis for about 15 years now. Its just such a...