
  1. Better late than never

    Better late than never

    So here we go, it's about time I started running a diary on the triffic AFN and having just moved everything from the 2x4 into my new Bloomroom 4x8. :smoking: You join me about a week after the big move. All grows were transplanted into Sohum Living soil to see out the run and a new...
  2. Archive SeedBank Spacewalker vs Dolato41

    Archive SeedBank Spacewalker vs Dolato41

    I custom built this entire closet and trellis setup & I’m quite happy how it turned out at first I was a little unsure if I would like the setup and I must say it works pretty well. All good grows start with good preparation and good genetics, for this grow I have chose Archive Seedbanks...
  3. Sc.1ndistries

    Indoor No Data Don’t Mata It’s Harvest Time!!(Upcoming 2020 Outdoor Perpetual Grow)

    This blog is about two different strains, unfortunately I’m on disability and limited income and didn’t have data on my old plan to log the whole grow. Stay Tuned perpetual outdoor grow with 3 sets of 5-7 plants this summer first set will be early April, Second Set will be in June, Third set to...