ghost toof

  1. parsing_trees

    Indoor 60x60 cm: Solos, Sativas, Seedmaking
    Threadmarks: D15: first post, got a male

    I started this batch on Halloween, it's about 15 days from sprout. A few earlier or later, and there's one Ghost Toof tucked in the back that I started ~10 days after the others. I'm growing in a 2x2x5'5" / 60x60x165 cm tent (Secret Jardin DR60) with two 60W 3500K autoCOBs, using 24/0 for...
  2. R

    Mephisto Genetics Removed

    Please delete this thread. Thank you.
  3. Mr. K

    New Grower 2 strain Mephisto CMH 40"x40" tent

    Hi there, I have an intro thread here: I'll pick up here where that thread has left off...