
  1. F

    Need advice on a slow blooming Norther Light Auto

    Hi fellow auto farmers! Need some advice for my Northern Light auto (ILGM). She is 49 days old today and not showing enough progress on the buds. Each day she grows bushy and spends most of her energy on expanding leaves. Its almost like she is vegetating even though I am seeing pistils near...
  2. Newtoautogrow

    Indoor Hermies in general

    Sup guys so I had 5 mobydick xxl and 2 went hermie on me and now a possible third... They seem happy out with no signs of stress.. My question is are there auto strains that are more likely to not turn hermie on me.. Ive done a few grows from Dutch passion and had no probs with hermie
  3. Sweet Seeds

    Sweet Seeds Sweet Seeds® 2018 ✦ [Catalog]
