forgetful dragons

  1. The Bedroom Gardener UK

    Grow Room NiceNEasy's Nano Dragon Factory.

    Changing circumstances on the home front, are making it necessary for me to change up my growing methods. Till now I have had the pleasure of growing in a (still small) 80 x 80 x 160cm tent @ 250w HPS / MH, but this is now too intrusive. I need something a lot smaller, an area that can be...
  2. Forgetful Dragons

    Forgetful Dragons

    While the Dawg x Black Dragon seeds are maturing for a couple of months, I need another project. I was talking to my nephew (who lives in Amsterdam), and he reminded that when I visit I smoke every piece of Amnesia Haze in the shops. The answer to my quest was so obvious in that moment, I don't...